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  • Writer's pictureLaura Taylor

Being LGBTQ+ in STEM

Being LGBTQ+ in STEM 🏳️‍🌈

As many of you know, I'm bisexual, and being able to be myself is important to me. However, I recognize that as a cis gendered white woman, I have privilege with being able to show my sexuality.

This month, and every month really, I want to shout about the importance of having those LGBTQ+ role models in STEM, and the safety to be yourself. Starting with a few basics:

Why is LGBTQ+ history month important?

✨ People who are LGBTQ+ are still being persecuted for their sexuality. Discrimination is still rife, and this needs to change

✨ Same sex marriage was only legalised in the UK in 2014, and it is still illegal in many countries

✨ 30 years ago, homosexuality was declassified as a disease. Only 30 years.

✨ It is still illegal to be gay in almost 70 countries

✨ The death penalty for same sex acts is still present in some countries

✨ LGBTQ+ identifying students are more likely to not pursue further study in STEM than their heterosexual, cis-gendered counterparts

✨ In UN nations, only two in five countries have laws protecting from workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation.

✨ We need to remember why we have Pride. We need to remember our history, the people who were persecuted for leading the way to help give us the rights that we have today. We may have some way to go still, but we can celebrate how far we've come, pay respects to those who have passed fighting for equality, and educate others on what our next steps need to be

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