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  • Writer's pictureLaura Taylor

Why are pronouns important?

Hi, my name is Laura, and my pronouns she/her

Pronouns are used in place of a proper noun, such as a person's name. In the English language, our most common pronouns refer to a person's gender. These can be she/her, he/him, they/them

A landyard with a "she" pronoun badge, a pride flag badge, a badge saying "science is for everyone" and a pride flag test tube badge. Caption states "pronouns are important"

For someone who is gender fluid, transgender or non binary, it can be quite distressing to express pronouns, or for people to get them wrong

So, let's get a few facts out the way:

Sex - label assigned at birth by your chromosomes

Gender - how you label yourself based on what you do or don't align with

Cis-gendered - when your gender matches your sex at birth

Transgender - when your gender if different to what your sex was at birth

Non-binary - a spectrum of identities that are not exclusively feminine, or exclusively masculine. Often neither

Genderfluid - when your gender changes over time or at different times

It's really important to normalise asking for pronouns, as it respects a person's gender identity, though please be aware not everyone will feel comfortable providing this information, so we need to create as safe a space as possible. To assume their pronouns would go against this, so we must learn to normalise asking for them.

There's some really simple ways to do this:

1️⃣ Include your pronouns in your social media bio

2️⃣ Have your pronouns in your email signature

3️⃣ Wear a badge stating your pronouns. This was something that was encouraged by the LGBT+ society at the uni I went to

4️⃣ Ask for people to state their pronouns when giving talks/lectures/interviews/meetings

All genders are valid, and everyone deserves to be respected.

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